Abhishek Singh
A Software professional working in Delhi, evoked interest in photography ever since I bought a decent digital camera. Traveled few places for clicks and soon realised that an upgrade is required, so I started using Canon DSLR and it became passion with very first day out of photography and started visiting areas around in search of Birds. Fortunately I was putting up at a place very near to a small Bird Sanctuary (Okhla), so it became a habit with morning and evening walks. Subsequently started visiting places right from rain forest in southern India, Konkan coast to Himalayas through Gangetic plains and Eastern coast in search and to identify Indian birds and to gather field experience. I often change gears for landscape and sometimes macro, but birds are one who attract the most.
A freelancer for academic information sharing, like courses on telephotography tips about places in Himalayas especially for birding.
Other area of interest drags me for some cultural and political writing as well.
A blog writer blogs.singhabhi.in
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Abhishek Singh also contributes through a dedicated website, only meant for sharing information and his field experience on BIRDS.
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